Built to focus on what matters most in today’s high-tech, globalized world, The second edition of digital marketing combines curricula needs with practitioners’ insights from across the entire spectrum of the subject area. The book takes a thoroughly application-based approach and is useful for both beginners trying to understand the nuances of the subject as well as practitioners needing managerial insights. The text is replete with images for a better understanding of the workings of the most popular digital marketing platforms and a plethora of pedagogical features aid easy understanding and retention of concepts and applications.
two new chapters on digital analytics and video marketing
two new web chapters on online reputation management and technological advancements in digital marketing
new sections such as zero moments of truth, bid adjustment, TikTok for marketing, edge rank algorithm, best practices for UI/UX design etc.
updated pedagogy with new critical thinking and critical review questions
thoroughly updated data, text, pictures, and exhibits across the chapters
supplemented with online learning Resources